
Fees apply for any sessions where funding is not received.


Morning/Afternoon session 


Full Day session 


*subject to change

We have 40 spaces per session.

               We accept payments through the tax free childcare scheme

The pre-school is open for approximately 38 weeks per year. Breaks usually coincide with the local primary schools.


Fees remain due even though your child may be ill or on holiday.


Unfortunately, there can be no making up days in lieu of missed or changed days, and no swapping sessions.

Fees must be paid 4 weekly in advance and should commence within the first week of term or the first week of your child starting at preschool.  If you have any difficulty making a payment then please speak to a member of staff.


If late payment of more than four school days occurs, a reminder will automatically be sent out. If at the end of a half term fees are outstanding, your child will be unable to return to pre-school until the debt is clear. Continual late or non-payment will result in your child losing his/her place permanently. If you decide to cancel one or more sessions for your child during term we are unable to refund the fees paid.


From the term after your child's third birthday you are entitled to claim up to 15 hours free nursery education.  

We also offer  2 year and  30 hours funding for children who are eligible.

Funding Options Explained.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 74.7 KB

Admissions and Equal Opportunities

Little Lambs Pre-school is accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community and surrounding areas. Little Lambs operates a first come first served waiting list so to avoid disappointment please place your childs name down as soon as possible. 

 We welcome both Parents and carers, all religions and social groups, children with and without disabilities. We do not discriminate against a child or their family, or prevent entry to our setting, on the basis of colour, ethnicity, religion or social background. We do not discriminate against a child with a disability or refuse a child entry to our setting for reason relating to disability.

We take action against any discriminatory behaviour by staff or parents. Displaying of openly discriminatory and possibly offensive materials, name calling, or threatening behaviour are unacceptable on or around the premises and will be dealt with in the strongest manner. For more detail and further information, please see our Equality of Opportunity Policy in the Policy Handbook or on our website.