
Within the group all children are supported in developing their potential at their own pace. Our key worker system enables us to ensure a planned curriculum tailored to the needs of each individual child.

Through appropriate activities/resources and a higher than required level of adult supervision we are able to offer a curriculum which enables children to progress steadily towards the nationally set Early Learning Goals.

This is the first step on the national curriculum, which all children will follow throughout their school life. The curriculum is split into seven key areas.

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

We will support children's confidence through various methods such as: building positive relationships with other children, developing a sense of independence, working and playing in varying group sizes.

Aiming to help children develop awareness and acceptance of different religious and cultural beliefs for instance through the use of positive images in books and displays. It also aims to help children develop their skills through play activities; stories, rhymes, music and drama; the environment and personal health and hygiene routines.

We will help your child learn to be self-confident, take an interest in things, know what their needs are, tell the difference between right and wrong, and be able to dress and undress.

Communication & Language

Language development is crucial to living and learning as children's confidence is strongly linked to their ability in language skills. These skills can be developed through speaking with and listening to adults and other children, communicating thoughts and feelings, engaging in musical activities, linking letters to sounds, seeing and using familiar words and watching adults write. Speaking and listening will continue to develop as children talk and play with adults and other children in a variety of situations.

Physical Development

Your child will learn to move confidently, control their body and handle equipment. They will be offered appropriate physical activities, with sufficient time and space. Fine motor skills, such as hand-eye co-ordination, are encouraged.


Gradually, your child will learn to hear and say sounds and begin to link the spoken word to the written word. Through fun activities, they will learn how to make marks and may eventually read and write some familiar words.


This area of learning covers the broad range of skills needed to develop an understanding of maths. Through stories, songs, games and imaginative play children will be counting, measuring, sorting and solving problems. They will become comfortable with numbers and with ideas such as 'heavier than' or 'bigger' and they will be aware of shape, colour and space.

Understanding the World

Your child will explore the world around them and ask questions about it. They will build with different materials, know about everyday technology and learn what it is used for. They will find out about past events in their lives and their families' lives, and find out about different cultures and beliefs. 

Expressive Arts & Design

Creative and imaginative play encourages emotional development and self-expression. Your child will explore colours and shapes, experiment with dance, making things, telling stories and making music. This goal covers areas such as, art, music, dance, role-play and imaginative play.

Learning Journey